iPhone Apps for Insurance Companies

Over the last year mobile applications for smart phones have begun to pop up amongst the different insurance companies that Fey Insurance represents. It started with Travelers and Progressive and has expanded into Safeco, Chubb and now Cincinnati Insurance Company. The applications all allow you to view your current policies and auto ID cards. They help give you contact information to report claims as well as advice on what to do during a claim. Some of the applications actually allow you to report the claim directly from the mobile device.
So how do you get your insurance carriers mobile application? First go to your most recent insurance policy declaration page for either your home or auto insurance. Double check which company you have. Once you know which company you have your insurance with then pull up the applications icon on your iPhone. In the search box type the company name. Once you have located the insurance company's application be sure to download it to your device. Some of the applications will allow you to setup your account right in the app but others may require that you first go to the insurance companies website and create a login.

When you are all finished creating a log in you are then set to use the app and have your personal insurance information handy at any time. Each app also has a button you can press to give us a call directly for more detailed assistance. Try it out today.

New Ohio State Wide Texting Law

On June 1st Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed into law a state wide texting while driving ban. The law will go into force in 90 days from June 1st. This new law has tougher restrictions on those under 18. If you are under 18 you are not allowed to use a cell phone at all in a car when you are driving, hands free or not. Those over 18 are still allowed to make phone calls on their phones and are allowed to use the phone to dial while driving. They are just not allowed to send or read texts while driving. Also, for those under 18 the phone use law is a first offense meaning if a police officer sees a person under 18 using a phone while driving they can be pulled over and ticketed just for that offense. Those over 18 can only be ticketed for texting while driving if they were also pulled over for another violation such as speeding, running a red light, etc.
The law is a misdemeanor for drivers with fines up to $150. If you are under 18 you’re first offense could be $150 fine with a 60 day license suspension. A second offense for those under 18 is $300.