Lets look out for each other - Road Safety Week

Lets look out for each other - Road Safety Week

From the child walking to school, to the commuter cycling or driving to work, the motorcyclist, and the lorry driver delivering goods to our stores, we are all rely on roads to get from A to B. Roads must be safe for all of us.

But although the UK has some of the safest roads in the world, five people still lose their lives from collisions every day. Not only is each of these a personal tragedy
Come & join the debate on ‘Grassroots football: a matter of life & death'

Come & join the debate on ‘Grassroots football: a matter of life & death'

Accrington Stanley BB5 5BX 7pm-9pm

Details https://www.parliamentweek.org/event/grassroots-football-a-matter-of-life-and-death/

Grassroots Football: a matter of life and death?

Fresh from yet another underwhelming performance of the English national team at a World Cup Finals (as the other home nations struggle to qualify for any sort of
Tackling the scandal of cold homes

Tackling the scandal of cold homes

I am incredibly proud that Labour has pledged to end the scandal of cold homes – an issue which I have campaigned on consistently since being elected. The pledge to make at least five million homes more energy efficiency, follows our commitment to freeze energy prices up to 2017 while reforming the energy market.   Energy bills have increased by a staggering £300 in the past four years.

Insurance Things to Consider on Rental Properties

Over the last few years many homeowners have turned into landlords.  With the real estate market drop, those that decided to purchase a new house also decided to not sell their prior home for fear of a financial loss on the property.  Instead, they have turned their prior house into a rental.  The trend still continues today even after the real estate market has rebounded some because landlords are seeing great cash flows from renting.  

Here at Fey Insurance Services we insure a number of these properties and on occasion we are asked by clients if we have any insurance tips in renting a property.  When asked we always mention these five things:

1.  Temperature Requirement in the Lease:  It is a good idea to include a clause in your lease that requires the tenant to keep the heat no colder than 59 degrees.  This is important because around the Holidays many tenants will travel and if they want to try and save a buck they may turn off the heat.  Pipes do not enjoy this especially with a polar vortex threatening again this year.  This way, if they do turn the heat off and pipes break you can pass that damage on to the tenant.

2.  Renters Insurance for Tenants:  Since you may have passed on the risk of pipe freezing damage to your tenant you then want to make sure they have insurance in place to pay for such damages.  Requiring tenants to have renters insurance is a good idea.  Not only does it protect their contents (which is excluded under your policy), it protects your property if they are negligent in causing damage to your property.  I would recommend they have liability limits at least the value of your property.

3.  Dogs:  Know your states laws on dog attacks.  For example, in Kentucky there was a law recently passed that could drag landlords into dog attack claims.  This may make it difficult to get insurance for a property that has a dog.  If you are going to allow dogs to live on your premises it is best to limit which kinds as some insurance policies exclude coverage for "vicious dogs".

4.  Loss of Rents Coverage.  Make sure your rental property insurance policy includes coverage for loss of rents.  If you sign a year's lease with someone and then have a fire a month later, you are going to be out 11 months of rent or at least however many months it takes to rebuild the house.  You can recoup this loss with loss of rent coverage.  Also, make sure that you have enough loss of rent coverage.  Many polices give  you 10% of your dwelling limit or give you a flat $25,000.  Add up your annual rents and make sure you have enough coverage.

5.  Certificates of Insurance from Contractors:  Unless you yourself are handy, you may be employing contractors to do fixes around your rental property.  We strongly recommend you ask these contractors for proof that they have insurance.  If they were ever to cause damage to your tenants contents or to your tenants person, you would want to make sure they have insurance to cover such things.


We’ve had almost five years of the Tories’ so-called economic plan, and it’s failed working people with a recovery that just works for a privileged few. There are thousands of people in Haslingden and Hyndburn who are struggling to stay afloat and who feel the economic recovery has passed them by. They simply can’t afford another five years of Tory failure.

That’s why we in Labour have set out


The introduction of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) in 1999 was a great achievement of the last Labour Government.

This policy ended the exploitation of millions of Britain’s workers and increased productivity without job losses. But the challenge we faced 15 years ago is different to the one we face today and the one we will face in the coming years.

That’s why Ed Miliband has today announced
Supporting the British Hearth Foundations Nation of Lifesavers 'Call Push Rescue' training event

Supporting the British Hearth Foundations Nation of Lifesavers 'Call Push Rescue' training event

Supporting the ‘Nation of Lifesavers’ campaign to save 5,000 lives


~ Calls for secondary schools to register for free innovative CPR training kit ~

Last week I met Susannah Kerr and her team from the British Heart Foundation. The BHF are urging people to join the campaign to dramatically increase the number of people trained in life-saving CPR and help create a Nation of Lifesavers.
Time to end the “game of chance” bus service for blind people

Time to end the “game of chance” bus service for blind people

Getting off at the right bus stop is like "playing a game of chance", says guide dog owner Linda, about her experiences navigating the bus network without sight.

I got a chance to experience for myself why people with sight loss need audio-visual announcements (AV) on buses, through playing a memory game, at the Labour Party conference this week.

AV is essential for people with sight loss


The NHS is one of our greatest achievements but it’s struggling under a Tory-led government which wasted billions on an unnecessary top-down reorganisation.

One of the issues that local people regularly talk to me about is their struggle to see a GP. The nurses and doctors that serve our area do a great job but under the Tories one in four people now wait a week or more for a GP appointment.
Supporting the launch of Dogs Trust Chip My Dog website

Supporting the launch of Dogs Trust Chip My Dog website

This week I went along to the launch the launch of the Dogs Trust Chip My Dog website at the annual Dogs Trust House of Commons Reception.

The Dogs Trust are the UK’s largest dog welfare charity I am delighted to support the Dogs Trust and help the charity launch its Chip My Dog website. I am supportive of the charity’s microchipping campaign and greatly welcomed the Government’s announcement
Tories dithering puts the UK’s crime fighting abilities at risk

Tories dithering puts the UK’s crime fighting abilities at risk

Back in June of last year I spoke up on the floor of the House of Commons in favour of the European Arrest Warrant making the case for the UK's continued participation, an important agreement that helps keep the UK safe from criminals and terrorist threats.

This issue has returned to the top of the political agenda as the time limit for the UK's commitment to remain within the EAW is running out
We need to put fans at the heart of football’s future

We need to put fans at the heart of football’s future

Last week Labour unveiled plans to give football fans a voice in every boardroom and buy a significant slice of the shares when the ownership of their club changes. As a passionate fan of football at all levels, I believe that it is in the long term interest of both fans and the clubs themselves, to have a strong voice representing the paying fans in every boardroom in the country.

At my own

Road trip! Know the laws where you drive

Before you head out on your road trip, consider your itinerary. Traffic laws and enforcement in states that you visit may differ from the state where you live.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers a website with a map detailing state distracted driving laws. Click on the state to see restrictions on cell phone and texting use by age, in school zones or construction zones.

The Governors Highway Safety Association also offers a convenient map describing many traffic-related laws. Click on the state for a list of laws and restrictions connected to seatbelts, speeds, older or younger drivers, motorcycle helmet use, child safety seats, impaired or aggressive driving and driving in work zones. Another source for state traffic regulations is the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Your automobile or travel club may also be able to provide information specific to the states you plan to visit.

Here’s a summary of some common traffic-related laws:
Speed limits for passenger cars vary from 55 to 75 mph on interstate highways, and limits can change between urban and rural areas.
Cell phone restrictions vary widely. In 11 states and the District of Columbia, all drivers are prohibited from using handheld cell phones. Several other states ban all cell phone use – handheld or hands-free –  for young drivers.
Texting while driving is a bad idea no matter who or where you are, but the penalties you may face for breaking the law could vary. In 41 states and the District of Columbia, text messaging is banned for all drivers. Some states put additional restrictions on young drivers.
Seat belt enforcement may be either primary or secondary. For a primary offense, a law enforcement officer can cite you directly for not using your seat belt. In states where enforcement is secondary, you would be cited only in conjunction with another traffic infraction.
Child safety seats are required in all 50 states for children who meet certain requirements, and all states except Florida and South Dakota also require booster seats for older children. Check the chart for weight limits and fines in each state.
Young drivers in some states are limited in the number of passengers they may carry, and passengers may be limited to immediate family members only.
Headlights may be required even during the day in some states if weather conditions require you to use windshield wipers or when visibility is restricted by fog. Look for a sign at the state line.
Stop light and speed cameras may be in use in some communities. Most states do not have laws restricting these enforcement measures, so don’t be surprised if you drive through a municipality that uses them. In most cases, the use of enforcement cameras is posted on signs at city limits.
Non League Football and the need to upgrade grass roots football facilities

Non League Football and the need to upgrade grass roots football facilities

On the 4th of September the House of Commons discussed the future of non-league football - an issue close to my heart, and something I have always taken part in myself.

The debate covered issues ranging from concerns around the ownership and internal governance of teams, the transparency of both teams and the Football Association and whether non-league games should be VAT exempt as they are in
Government changes to home energy efficiency leave Hyndburn cold

Government changes to home energy efficiency leave Hyndburn cold

Graham Jones (Hyndburn) (Lab): I believe this is the first time I have served under your chairmanship, Mr Streeter, in what I hope will be a constructive debate. I want to focus on the effect of the Government's changes to the energy companies obligation on domestic energy efficiency and the local schemes to improve efficiency in my area. I welcome the opportunity to discuss those things with
Campaign for the North

Campaign for the North

A new group has been established 'Campaign for the North' which has just launched it's consultation document. It calls for a federal solution to the question of devolution it the UK including offering voters in the North the same 'Devo Max' settlement that Scottish voters are being offered.

I have long said this would be the best answer to the challenges that face the north. Cities that are
Launch of the Hyndburn Advice Network

Launch of the Hyndburn Advice Network

With funding from the Big
Lottery, a partnership has been created between Age UK Lancashire, Hyndburn
CAB, HARV, Lancashire Women’s Centre, Maundy Relief Trust and Scaitcliffe Community
Centre.  In addition we have
representation from Hyndburn Borough Council as Councillor Kerry Molineux is on
the Project Board.

The overall aim of the Hyndburn
Advice Network (HAN) project is to improve the
Putting football fans back at the heart of how the game is run

Putting football fans back at the heart of how the game is run

Graham, For many of us, football clubs embody the meaning of community spirit: sticking together, staying loyal come rain or shine and through the highs and lows. Today, Labour is announcing plans to put football fans back at the heart of how the game is run – will you tweet your support? Share on Facebook instead For too long, the game has taken our loyalty for granted. Owners have
Why should people pay to call the Police on 101

Why should people pay to call the Police on 101

How many people are aware that when they dial the police on the new 101 number they are paying 15p per call? Whilst the government says this is to act as a deterrent against it being used inappropriately, the 999 number remains free. Dialling the police is more often to report criminality or suspected criminality. Placing a charge on civic duty whilst offering a free service isn’t logical. In
Fwd: You won't believe what they said about disabled people:

Fwd: You won't believe what they said about disabled people:


The cruelty of this is almost hard to believe.

David Cameron's welfare minister has been recorded saying that some disabled people — and this is a word-for-word quote — "aren't worth the full wage". That's the *minimum* wage.

In fact, he even suggested that they should be able to work for £2 an hour. That's right — £2 an hour.

To even contemplate something so backward, so ignorant

Why "Spending 15 Minutes or Less" Can Hurt You

Buying insurance is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Who you buy it from can be the difference between devastation and recovery when disaster strikes.
We are grateful that you chose to buy through an independent insurance agent.
Today’s TV and media ads bombard you with the message that purchasing insurance is as simple as grocery shopping. In truth, it’s not. You can’t pick a product off the shelf and be on your way.
Finding the right coverage requires due diligence on your part and ours, something you can’t get from a 15-minute phone call, a celebrity or even a talking lizard.
Why do people prefer independent agents?
Consumers feel the difference. Almost 60 percent of consumers who purchased insurance through a direct channel 10 or more years ago reported switching back to an independent agent because they wanted more value, according to a 2013 study conducted by InsightExpress, an independent marketing research firm.
Consumers switched back to an independent agent because they wanted one point of contact to handle their insurance questions and needs. They wanted guidance from an experienced insurance professional, the study said.
That’s what we do. Independent insurance agents represent multiple insurance companies. We are familiar with underwriting styles and have researched the nuances of numerous policies.
Risk management is key
We also provide advice on the ins and outs of risk management, meaning we explain coverage options and how having or not having that coverage could impact your entire situation.
Our philosophy is to look at the big picture. We believe your insurance program is there to protect all of your assets. What you choose for one type of coverage, such as auto insurance, can have an impact on all of your assets.
Some competitors will lure you with a lower rate on a single type of insurance, but less coverage. You may think you got a deal, but you could get burned later.
When our clients ask for a quote, we don’t just do the comparison shopping and run the numbers – we strive to find the best coverage and rates for your particular needs.
How things go wrong
Independent agents offer a complete package, whereas some competitors are interested in only one piece. For example, they might sell auto insurance and tell you that insurance shouldn’t be “bundled.” Looking at it piecemeal instead of as an entire solution is where we’ve seen clients get hurt.
Imagine you purchased lesser coverage through a company that said they’ll take 15 minutes to save you money on auto insurance. When you signed up, the representative didn’t ask about the value of your home or tell you that your level of coverage should involve looking at the value of your assets. Later, you cause a major car accident. Your auto insurer writes a check that doesn’t cover the victim's expenses, and with that, the insurer’s obligation to you is over. But this doesn’t cover a hurt passenger’s expenses, so he sues you for $1 million. If your home is your biggest asset, you face losing it and your savings.
When you work with an independent agent
In that scenario, we could have helped and suggested umbrella coverage. But with a telephone or online quote, this may not have been an option. Our agency is here for you throughout the life of your policy. We answer questions, handle issues and adjust your coverage as needed. To file a claim, you call us, not an 800 number. We advise you and walk you through the process. Personal attention is part of the package.
Our competitors are at a disadvantage because they sell for a single insurance company and are limited to the options offered by their employer. Bottom line, our competitors represent their insurance company. As independent insurance agents, we represent you. 
My notes on going to war..

My notes on going to war..

Setting off at 4.40am to head of Parliament to vote on whether the UK should take military action in the Middle East again.

I have received correspondence requesting I vote both against and for I respect those views: that we must take action and that no good can come of it. My view is that the proposed action of military airstrikes in Iraq only is a policy of partial containment and in that
Labour has to liberate the working classes from the dead hand of the state UPDATE

Labour has to liberate the working classes from the dead hand of the state UPDATE

Returning from Conference I'd like to thank LabourList for
allowing me to share a platform to discuss the issue of Working Class representation.
It caused some commentary for my comments on Union selections but this was a
misrepresentation of the wider points I made.

Whilst unions have their chosen candidates, often not drawn from the membership


I've spoken to many people in Hyndburn who have told me that they are struggling to cope with the hated bedroom tax, introduced by the Tories and Liberal Democrats in Westminster. In the North West alone over 75,411 people have been affected – by far the highest of any region in the country.

This is a policy that unfairly hits hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people, such as those with
MPs backing Rossendale dementia friendly community

MPs backing Rossendale dementia friendly community

I am delighted to give my full support to Dementia Friendly Rossendale – this is a great initiative which will raise awareness of the issue and support those who are suffering. I recently attended an information session at Rossendale Youth Zone and I would encourage others to engage and support the ‘dementia friendly’ campaign.

Over a 1,000 people in Hyndburn suffer from dementia. For a liong
Voicing concern for uninsulated Hyndburn Homes

Voicing concern for uninsulated Hyndburn Homes

Last Thursday, I voiced the concerns of many residents to the Secretary of State, concerning his decision to scrap the vital 'Home Improvement Fund' in Hyndburn. Scrapping the scheme will leave many homes with inefficient heating, and unmanageable bills.

The Home Improvement Fund targeted housing that was poorly insulated, and that was in dire need of restoration. According to the last
Why a unitary local authority for East Lancashire is worth investigating..

Why a unitary local authority for East Lancashire is worth investigating..

There are many common sense and practical reasons why people in East Lancashire, particularly MP's are beginning to ask the question: 'Is it in the best interests of Lancashire and East Lancashire that the county is dissolved into separate unitary authorities?'.

Two stand out straight away. Band D council tax in 2014/15 in Blackburn is £1,486.46 whilst in two tier Hyndburn it is £1,557.87.;

Politics goes pink for breast cancer awareness

Politics goes pink for breast cancer awareness

Visiting Accrington student Megan McCann & myself supporting 'Wear it Pink'

I am joining the fight against breast cancer by wearing pink by taking part in Breast Cancer Campaign’s flagship fundraiser, wear it pink day.

The theme of wear it pink this year is to ‘look good, do good’ in support of breast cancer research. On Friday 24 October people across the country will come together to find
Read On. Get On.

Read On. Get On.

Dear Graham

Reading is the key to a child’s future: it unlocks their
potential and opens up a world filled with possibilities.

And yet, almost a quarter of
Booktrust partners with new campaign to ensure all children are reading well by age 11

Booktrust partners with new campaign to ensure all children are reading well by age 11

From: Events [mailto:Events@booktrust.org.uk] To: JONES, Graham Subject: Booktrust partners with new campaign to ensure all children are reading well by age 11

Dear Mr Jones

I hope you are very well. Thank you so much again for attending Booktrust’s parliamentary reception in July.

Booktrust has now come together with Save the Children and others to launch today ‘Read On. Get On

How to Avoid Contractor Fraud

Starting a house project? Read these helpful tips before you hire a contractor.

                -Get a list of reputable contractors from your insurance company, the Better Business Bureau or a specialized consumer organization like Angie’s List.

                -Contact multiple contractors, and obtain more than one estimate.

                -Don’t allow a contractor to inspect your property if you’re not home.

                -When the contractor is inspecting your property, personally watch him conduct the inspection.

                -Obtain the terms and conditions of the project in writing, including details on specific supplies being used     and who will purchase and deliver them. Include an estimated completion date and a price-deduction schedule if work takes longer than promised.

                -Ask about warranties on work.

                -Make sure the contractor gets the necessary permits and puts them in his name.

                -Ask for references from recently completed work. Call them and look at the work if possible. Ask if there were issues and if the homeowner would use the contractor again.

                -Ask the contractor if he has liability insurance, and get the policy number and agency’s name. Call the agency, and ask them to provide you with a liability certificate of insurance. There should be no charge to you as a customer of a contractor.

                -Avoid signing the contract until the document is reviewed fully and/or discuss the terms of the contract with a legal representative or a knowledgeable source.

                -Pay the contractor by check or credit card rather than in cash.

                -Don’t pay for work in advance. If possible, don’t pay until the work is done. If you do agree to pay portions at different stages, make sure the bulk of the payment is made at the end of the project after inspections are passed.

                -Get these details in writing.  
        -Ask for proof of insurance and get certificates of insurance especially workers compensation.

Sources: Ohio Department of Insurance, PIAA of Ohio, and Ted Kinney, CIC, CPCU, ARM
Cancer Survival Rate in East Lancashire requires stricter Monitoring

Cancer Survival Rate in East Lancashire requires stricter Monitoring

With East Lancashire's Cancer Survival Rate deemed 'Poorer' than the National Average in a new report published by the APPG on Cancer which highlights the importance of early diagnosis in ensuring an increase in one year survival rates.

East Lancashire's One Year Cancer Survival Rate of "67%", suggests a higher emphasis needs to be placed on early diagnosis. One Year Survival rate statistics
This Monday is emblematic of the Tories’ short-sighted vision for rail in the north

This Monday is emblematic of the Tories’ short-sighted vision for rail in the north

This Monday rail fares across the Northern Rail franchise have increased in some places by an eye-watering 117% as the result of the abolition of off-peak rail travel across the Northern Rail franchise area.

A Wigan-Manchester Piccadilly return ticket will increase from £4.20 to £9.10, a frankly unacceptable rise that will literally make travelling by train unaffordable for a lot of people –
Children with Cancer UK and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Children with Cancer UK and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

This month I am supporting Children with Cancer UK and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign raises awareness of childhood cancer, the impact that a diagnosis can have and how essential work, research and support can help children and their families.
Every year 2,400 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer every year in the UK. That's around six every day. However, more
Insurance Tips Before and After A Disaster

Insurance Tips Before and After A Disaster

“If only I knew.” Four words spoken after disasters by people who’ve learned they don’t have the insurance coverage they thought they had. In our agency, we never want you to be in that situation, so here are some tips to help.

Advice you need before a disaster

You might have purchased your insurance a long time ago. Do you remember the coverage choices you made and your deductibles, endorsements and exclusions? These details can make or break a family after a disaster, so take a few minutes to call us to see if your coverage fits your current needs. Be sure to report life changes and significant purchases or home improvements.

Do you know how much coverage you have if your home or possessions are damaged by rain, hail, lightning or tornadoes? If your roof was damaged in a storm, would it be repaired or replaced? How soon after a storm do you need to report a loss? Are you aware that most renters and homeowners policies don’t cover floods or earthquakes? Do you have loss-of-use coverage in case you have to vacate your home temporarily? If a tree falls on your car, do you have the right auto coverage?

If you don’t know the answers, it’s important to call us to learn what your policy specifies.  Another helpful tip is to create a home inventory every few years. It sounds like a headache, but anyone who has filed a claim will vouch for its value, and technology has made the process quick and easy. Videotape or photograph your possessions room by room. Get close-ups of valuable items, and keep receipts. Create an inventory by downloading an app or using a website like knowyourstuff.org, recommended by the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness (OCSWA). Store this inventory on the web or somewhere outside your home to keep it protected.

Insurance tips for after a disaster

Inspect your property and vehicles. Make a list of what is damaged and how. Take photos for documentation. And report your loss in a timely manner. Also take steps to protect possessions from further damage after the disaster.

If you need to move out of your residence temporarily, provide us with a phone number where we can call you. Find out the monetary limit your loss-of-use insurance covers before you choose a hotel. When you file a claim, back it up with written estimates and your home inventory information.  Prepare now, and your family will be grateful if there ever is a disaster.
The closure of the Independent Living Fund

The closure of the Independent Living Fund

The Independent Living Fund (ILF) enriches the lives of many disabled people within Lancashire and in Hyndburn. Its cost effective and personal approach to care has enabled a level of independence that is crucial to the lives of disabled people. The current Tory-led government efforts to dissolve the ILF risks undermining that essential support. By promoting an individually based care system, the
FIFA World Cup 2022 - Qatar. An investigation

FIFA World Cup 2022 - Qatar. An investigation

From: WILLIAMSON MP, Chris To: WILLIAMSON, Chris Subject: RE: QatarDear ColleagueYou may know about the work I have been undertaking to raise awareness of the most awful plight of immigrant Nepalese and Indian workers being deployed in Qatar. Earlier this year, I spent five days in the country undertaking a fact-finding mission organised by the construction workers' union UCATT. I was
Heritage Lottery Fund in Hyndburn - a priority development area

Heritage Lottery Fund in Hyndburn - a priority development area

Dear Graham Jones, I thought you’d appreciate an overview about projects funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund in Hyndburn. HLF is committed to providing MPs with information and advice about our funding in their constituencies and I would be very happy to meet with you, provide opportunities for you to visit an HLF funded project in your constituency or supply you with further information about
Armed forces recruitment from the BME community: offering opportunities to young people

Armed forces recruitment from the BME community: offering opportunities to young people

I have written the minister regarding armed forces recruitment being offered to constituents form BME backgrounds. British armed forces have long and proud record of attracting people from various backgrounds to fight for British values of freedom and democracy.

Indian, Pakistani and Gurkha regiments amongst others have a long and distinguished history within the British army.

Haslingden Task Force update

Haslingden Task Force update

The Haslingden Task Force has released its second newsletter for local traders. The report outlines the work that the taskforce is undertaking and the continuing consultation with local traders and other key stakeholders. I'd ask people to keep Sunday 14th September free in their diaries for the Haslingden Street Fair which will be taking place in the town centre in aid of local community and
We need more Superheroes in Hyndburn and Haslingden

We need more Superheroes in Hyndburn and Haslingden

The Antony Nolan Trust has ranked Hyndburn and Haslingden as
228th in the league table of constituencies by the number of
registered stem cell donors. We have a total of 840 people registered and I’d
like to think we can
Association of Translation Companies says that languages are important.

Association of Translation Companies says that languages are important.

Click to enlarge

This follows my discussions with the Lancashire County Council to ensure there is enough provision for crucial languages such as Spanish and Mandarin Chinese in this area.
Accrington Observer column

Accrington Observer column

Whilst the weather has been generous this summer with Atlantic trade winds heading further north bringing warm dry air, the political summer has been a depressing sequence of tragedy and inhumanity. 298 people including some 90 children relaxing on a jet cruising at 33,000 feet had their lives abruptly ended in seconds when hit by a surface to air missile from the area controlled by pro-Russian
Comment on the crisis in Northern Iraq - Douglas Alexander

Comment on the crisis in Northern Iraq - Douglas Alexander

Douglas Alexander MP, Labour's Shadow Foreign Secretary, commenting on the crisis in Northern Iraq, said:"Iraq today faces an acute internal security challenge, as extremist violent Islamist militants attempt to destabilise the government, terrorise the population, and divide the country

"ISIL's violent and brutal campaign to terrorise and persecute religious minorities, including Christians,
The reply from the FCO on the crisis in Gaza

The reply from the FCO on the crisis in Gaza

Double click the image (or open in new window) to enlarge

The Ten Minute Shake Up is a campaign by Change4Life

The Ten Minute Shake Up is a campaign by Change4Life

The BookTrust and I are
encouraging parents and carers of young children in Haslingden and Hyndburn to
read regularly to their children. Reading to children is fun and it gives them
a better start in life by helping their language, wellbeing, confidence and
concentration. All the evidence is that the more
Votes at 16 - Rossendale Council passes motion to support

Votes at 16 - Rossendale Council passes motion to support

Double click to enlarge

Delighted Rossendale Council is supporting votes at 16.

My grandmother passed away having sadly suffering senile dementia for a good few years. I had to help her to the polling station and she didn't really understand fully what she was doing.

No one is suggesting she should have lost the right to vote so I don't think the argument that 'adults between the ages of 16
DECC chaos; Governments shambolic energy efficiency programme hits Hyndburn hard

DECC chaos; Governments shambolic energy efficiency programme hits Hyndburn hard

Hyndburn Council launched an energy efficiency scheme on the back of government grants last November. Within weeks the government scrapped the incentive. This month Hyndburn Council launched a second scheme based on new government grants. Last week after just a few weeks of the governments launch of energy efficiency grants, they scrapped the scheme pulling the plug on Hyndburn Councils efforts
Extra curricular provision in foreign languages for young children in Hyndburn

Extra curricular provision in foreign languages for young children in Hyndburn

I recently wrote to LCC to ask about extra curricular provision in foreign languages for young children, particularly Mandarin and Spanish. I am now writing to all the head teachers in the constituency.

In 20 years time when most of these young children are beginning their working life the world will have moved on significantly. There is no getting away from the fact that the world will appear
More Sport for All Consultation

More Sport for All Consultation

More Sport for All Consultation

Harriet Harman has published the More Sport for All consultation to support everyone, from children through to the elderly, to do more sport and physical activity.

People's love of sport and enjoyment of it make it an important issue for public policy. Sport helps make us healthy, brings communities together, contributes to the economy and brings our country
Electoral Commision annouce there are 7.5m people missing off the electoral register

Electoral Commision annouce there are 7.5m people missing off the electoral register

I received this letter from my colleague Chris Ruane which he has asked MP's to circulate more widely. It was my question on the floor of the House of Commons on 18 June 2012 which revealed for the first time that the government accepted a figure them of 6 million unregistered voters.

The Electoral Commissions announcement today is that there are 7.5m people missing off the electoral register.
Summer childcare costs rising under cameron - more pressure for struggling parent

Summer childcare costs rising under cameron - more pressure for struggling parent

Under David Cameron childcare costs are soaring and the availability of childcare is plummeting, causing a summer of misery for many parents trying to balance work and family life in the holidays.

But while families facing a cost-of-living crisis come under more and more pressure, this Government has no plan to support families struggling with their childcare before the next election.

Reply from LCC - Provision of trains for the Todmorden Curve

Reply from LCC - Provision of trains for the Todmorden Curve

I have received a reply on the provison of a train for the Todmorden Curve and it appears that there will now be further delays beyond December.

I know a a diesel carriage has been uding the new track, presumedly testing it however LCC advise that the track won't be commissioined until November.

There is still the outstanding issue of a diesel train which is going to be cascaded down from
A summary of the NPF last weekend.

A summary of the NPF last weekend.

At the National Policy forum at the weekend the Labour Party agreed a program for Government which will deliver big reforms, not big spending.

By building a consensus the Party have produced one of the most radical policy platforms of any political party in recent years including:

• Increasing the minimum wage by more than average earnings
• An end to the abuse of zero-hours contracts
Fwd: Ofcom advice: Don't get stung by mobile phone bills when abroad this summer

Fwd: Ofcom advice: Don't get stung by mobile phone bills when abroad this summer

Ofcom advice:Don't get stung by a high mobile phone bill this summer Summer holidays are just around the corner for many, and with mobile internet access and Wi-Fi it's never been easier to stay in touch with what's going on at home and upload photos to share with friends.  Also, new roaming charges (effective from 1 July) will make it cheaper to use your mobile phone when travelling abroad in
Licensing of Scrap Metal Dealers a success in Hyndburn

Licensing of Scrap Metal Dealers a success in Hyndburn

I led the cmapiagn with the ENA in Parliament to licence scrap metal dealers. That legistaion was taken forward by the government and became law in October 2013. From the 1st October 2013 all scrap metal dealers (site operators and collectors) must have a licence to operate.

According to British Transport Police and BT metal theft is down by almost 60%. The government failed to implement changes
BACK ON TRACK CAMPAIGN - Latest reply from the DfT

BACK ON TRACK CAMPAIGN - Latest reply from the DfT

Below is the latest reply fomr the DfT in the campaign to secure a diesel engined train for the newly complete track between Accringotn/Burnley and Manchester Victoria.

The minster for state was sacked (Stephen Hammond) and I have taken the opportunity straight away  to speak ti the new rail minister Clare Perry to make the point once again; 18 miles between Manchester (and well paid jobs) and
I will continue fighting to prevent GP closures and job losses in my constituency...

I will continue fighting to prevent GP closures and job losses in my constituency...

I recently stood up in the House of Commons to discuss the cuts Hyndburn are currently facing on the NHS, including cuts to the walk-in centre which over 36,000 people have used, and cuts to the NHS GP practice in Accrington Victoria as well as the £1.1m proposed reduction in funding for PMS GP contracts in East Lancashire.

With the Government's increasing focus on hospitals, particularly Sir
MPs remember Srebrenica genocide during book signing in Parliament

MPs remember Srebrenica genocide during book signing in Parliament

Contact details

Hundreds of parliamentarians last week signed the Remembering Srebrenica Book of Pledges, providing their personal comments in commemoration of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.

The book signing took place in the House of Commons and different locations across the UK during
Government cuts to the ECO is bad news for Hyndburn's terraced housing

Government cuts to the ECO is bad news for Hyndburn's terraced housing

Dear Mr
Jones, I’m writing to update you on the activities at800 is now carrying out in your
area to ensure TV viewers, including the elderly and vulnerable, can continue
to watch Freeview as new 4G mobile services at 800 MHz are activated.

We are sending postcards to some of your constituents to inform them that new
4G masts operating at 800 MHz may soon
This week saw the second meeting of the Haslingden Task Force

This week saw the second meeting of the Haslingden Task Force

This week saw the second meeting of the Haslingden Task
Force, the group which is working with Rossendale Borough Council, local
traders, landlords and community
Srebrenica Memorial

Srebrenica Memorial

As many of you may know this week marks the 19th anniversary since the appalling Srebrenica massacre. Around the UK numerous different people and organisations are taking part in a historic programme of memorials to look back on this horrific event with the view that this must happen ‘Never Again’.

The Srebrenica offensive itself commenced on the 6th July 1995 with Bosnian Serb forces
Lancashire Growth Deal is anything but a ‘devolution revolution' with nothing for Hyndburn or Rossendale

Lancashire Growth Deal is anything but a ‘devolution revolution' with nothing for Hyndburn or Rossendale

The Government and the LEP this week announced the Lancashire Growth Deal 2014, which is a 6-year package of ‘new’ investment worth around £370m agreed by the LEP and central Government.

The reason the word ‘new’ should be in inverted commas is that £100m of the money from the ‘Competitive Local Growth Fund’ is described as “Previously Committed Transport Funding”. I obviously welcome spending
Tory Minister for skills, Mathew Hancock is letting down training providers in Hyndburn

Tory Minister for skills, Mathew Hancock is letting down training providers in Hyndburn

I recently blogged on the fact that the Skills Minister has refused to meet with me and the North Lancashire Training Group to discuss the changes that the Government is planning to make to the way apprenticeships are funded.

They are concerned that their sucecss story will be undermined if funding for apprenticeshuips is switched to businesses instead of directly to them for two principle
Governments cuts to energy savings schemes is having a adverse impact on Hyndburn...

Governments cuts to energy savings schemes is having a adverse impact on Hyndburn...

Governments cuts to energy savings schemes is having a adverse impact on Hyndburn Council's energy efficiency schemes (‘Warm Homes Hyndburn’) which I previously wrote about here.

As a result Hyndburn's energy efficiency schemes including insulation for solid wall terraced properties is being scaled back.

A conference of interested parties will tale place on Thursday 17th July 2014 from 8.30am
Last week I attended the Cancer Research UK Showcase...

Last week I attended the Cancer Research UK Showcase...

Last week I attended the Cancer Research UK Showcase which was both an interesting and enlightening experience. Cancer Research UK aims to accelerate their progress so that within 20 years 3 in 4 people will survive cancer, an ambitious target they believe they can achieve. They aim to do this by diagnosing cancer earlier, increasing focus on specific cancers whose survival rates lag behind
East Lancashire Concert Band Needs You!

East Lancashire Concert Band Needs You!

The East Lancashire Concert Band has been in existence since 1842 and more recently they have played in and helped organise the Armed Forces Day concert in 2011 and 2012, followed by Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and Titanic Centenary events in 1912.

As part of the WW1 Centenary commemoration the band discovered a “Pals March” written for piano in 1914. This piece has been arranged for full band by
UK Government sat on their hands instead of chasing F35 sales

UK Government sat on their hands instead of chasing F35 sales

For the last three weeks I have had brought to my attention the changes in the Deregualtion Bill which would compound the problems surrounding private hire vehicles in Hyndburn. Notably relation of regulations and watering down or in the worst cases removal of any local enforcement.

Hyndburn councillors and I oppose these changes to taxi and private hire
Labour will control immigration in a fair way

Labour will control immigration in a fair way

The Tories have broken their promises on immigration. They promised to reduce net migration to the ‘tens of thousands’ but they are failing to reach their target. It is going up not down and the Government isn’t tackling those who exploit immigration to undercut local wages and jobs.

The last Labour government got some things wrong on immigration - including not putting proper controls on
ANTHONY NOLAN – How many stem cell donors do you have in your constituency?

ANTHONY NOLAN – How many stem cell donors do you have in your constituency?

From: Rebecca Gladstone
To: JONES, Graham
Subject: ANTHONY NOLAN – How many stem cell donors do you have in your constituency?

Dear Mr Jones,

Here at Anthony Nolan we are calling on our MPs to become superheroes. How? By helping us to find more 16-30 year olds to join our register of heroic individuals willing to donate their blood stem cells or bone marrow to blood cancer patients
Only Labour will make the changes this country needs

Only Labour will make the changes this country needs

The recent local and European elections showed the depth of discontent with the direction of our country, which people increasingly feel does not work for them.

Britain needs a change of direction - a plan of action equal to the scale of the challenges our country faces. But this week‘s Queen’s Speech, David Cameron’s legislative programme for the year, only offered more of the same.


Rental Car Insurance: Buy or Not Buy

During the summer our agency receives a lot of phone calls from clients who are sitting at the airport getting ready to sign up for a rental car. The rental car employee has just asked them if they wish to purchase the “extra” insurance from the rental car company, and they are not certain if their personal auto insurance protects them on rental cars or not. So they pull out the cell phone and call Fey Insurance Services. Our answer is always this, “It is not a black or white answer.

Unfortunately it is a gray answer so we recommend you purchase at least the “Collision Damage Waiver”. Normally the client is somewhat confused on what the “gray” answer is but the beach is calling and they want to get on their way. So, I thought with this blog article I would hit on two reasons why it is a “gray” answer when it comes to purchasing insurance from the rental car company on a rental car.
The first reason is contract language. Two contracts would be involved if you did not purchase rental car insurance from the rental car company. The contracts would be the one between you and the rental car company (the one you sign in order to rent the car) and the contract between you and your personal auto insurance company. Each of these contracts can be different depending on which rental car company you are using, which state you are in and which personal auto insurance company you have. Because of this there are all kinds of possible gaps in insurance coverage. An example gap is “loss of use”. A number of rental car companies will charge you for the loss of use of the car while it is in the repair shop after you caused an accident that damaged the vehicle. This means that if it takes a week for the car to be repaired they will charge you a week of rental. Some insurance companies do pay this extra cost and some don’t. Gaps like this can be avoided by just spending the extra money on “Collision Damage Waiver”.
A second reason we feel it is a gray topic and you should just purchase the extra coverage is that often times you drop off a car after your trip and no one from the rental car company is present to help you check for damages to the car. We have had a couple of cases where our clients received a letter from the rental car company seeking money for a ding or scratch. They swear they never caused any damage to the car. Unfortunately, when they turned the car in there was no one to sign off that the car was returned undamaged. So, when another vacationer in an unfamiliar car at an unfamiliar airport (who is late for their flight) pulls in next to you to drop off their rental car, and they bump into the car you had just dropped off twenty minutes ago, you have no way of proving you where no longer responsible for the vehicle when the damage occurred.
So we recommend you play it safe next time you rent a car and purchase at least the “Collision Damage Waiver”.
This week in Parliament

This week in Parliament

The introduction of
the National Minimum Wage is one of Labour's greatest achievements – it boosted
pay at the bottom without leading to a loss of jobs, and has wide industry
support as a result. But the NMW was designed to
Walk to School Week is coming

Walk to School Week is coming

  Can't read this email? View it in a browser         Putting pupils first during Walk to School Week Today, Living Streets has published its latest policy report Putting Pupils First- Making the walk to school safer for all. The report calls on the Prime
The Tories are failing on immigration

The Tories are failing on immigration

David Cameron promised to get net migration down to the tens of thousands. But it's rising, not falling and is now at 212,000 leaving the Tories' target in tatters.

Meanwhile, illegal immigration is getting worse, with fewer people being stopped at the border, more people absconding and fewer foreign criminals being deported.

And the Tories are doing nothing to tackle the undercutting of local
Labour guarantees patients the right to see a GP within 48 hour

Labour guarantees patients the right to see a GP within 48 hour

Under the Tory-led Government it has become harder to see a GP. More people have to wait over 48 hours for an appointment, and over a quarter of the public say they can’t get an appointment in the same week.

That’s awful for families who depend on their local GP service, and it’s also putting huge strain on our A&Es which are also now in crisis.

That’s why Labour has announced plans to
Fwd: The Weekly Bundle: Last week's articles and speeches from the Front Bench

Fwd: The Weekly Bundle: Last week's articles and speeches from the Front Bench

Articles and speeches, delivered by members of the Labour Front Bench in the last week:   Ed Miliband's speech today at Airbus on Labour's new approach on immigration.   Press release and the speech from Ed Miliband on Monday unveiling Labour's GP Guarantee - http://press.labour.org.uk/post/85537528889/ed-miliband-unveils-labours-gp-guarantee   Article from Ed Balls
Summary of this week in the House of Commons:

Summary of this week in the House of Commons:

Regulation of letting agents and Consumer Rights Bill, Report Stage  
Urgent Question on free school funding
Care Bill, Lords amendments 
Criminal Justice and Courts Bill, Report Stage (Day 1)
Government Statement on Ukraine
Deregulation Bill, Report Stage (Day 1

Regulation of letting agents (Consumer Rights Bill, Report Stage)

On Tuesday I supported an amendment to the Government’s Consumer
The next Labour government will end time-limited 15-minute care visits

The next Labour government will end time-limited 15-minute care visits

The next Labour government will work with local authorities and care providers to raise standards in the industry and end time-limited 15-minute visits

Labour has already set out detailed policy to strengthen the enforcement of the NMW and end exploitation of zero hours contracts and will work with councils and care providers to end limited 15-minute visits.

The Kingsmill Report published
Changes to Haslingden Post Office

Changes to Haslingden Post Office

It is disappointing that changes are being made to Post Office services in Haslingden. The Post Office is an retail anchor. Customers changing the way and reducing their use of Post Office services plus changes in how government services are provided have hit the Post Office model. Online services such as TV and road tax licences, scrapping of dog and other services. The growth in email and
David Cameron should be standing up for British science and industry

David Cameron should be standing up for British science and industry

This week saw Prime Minister David Cameron appear to cheerlead for US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s bid for AstraZeneca – when he should have been championing British science and industry.

Many people are really worried about what the takeover will mean for British jobs as well as our economy in the longer term.

There is no reason why Government could not immediately expand the public interest
Nick Clegg’s broken promises

Nick Clegg’s broken promises

Time and again Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems have gone along with the Tories - putting the interests of a privileged few before those of ordinary hardworking families - despite the promises they made in 2010.

You can’t trust a word that Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats say. They are breaking all their promises and have been too weak to stand up to David Cameron.

They promised to scrap tuition
Labour's GP Guarantee

Labour's GP Guarantee

This evening Ed Miliband has announced Labour's GP Guarantee: An appointment within 48 hours for all who want one – and an appointment on the same day for all who need one.

Labour will give all NHS patients contacting their surgery the right to:
• Consult a doctor or a nurse at their local GP surgery on the same day.
• Get an appointment at their surgery on the same day if they need
Every primary and secondary school in Hyndburn is being given the chance to take part in My Money Week

Every primary and secondary school in Hyndburn is being given the chance to take part in My Money Week

I want to encourage every local school to put on money lessons this June, to give their pupils a head-start in financial education before it becomes a compulsory part of the new National Curriculum in September.  This is as part of this year's My Money Week (9 to 15 June), run by national financial education charity pfeg (Personal Finance Education Group). Every primary and secondary school
More working people rely on housing benefit under David Cameron

More working people rely on housing benefit under David Cameron

Shocking rise of people in work claiming Housing Benefit

Since David Cameron became Prime Minister, the number of working people claiming housing benefit has increased by 60 per cent nationally, costing ordinary British taxpayers an extra £4.8 billion.

In Hyndburn alone, the number of working people now claiming housing benefit has increased by a staggering 55% per cent from 796 to 1236. In
Labour’s childcare plans will help tackle the cost of living crisis and make work pay

Labour’s childcare plans will help tackle the cost of living crisis and make work pay

New figures out this week show that Labour's childcare plans to extend free childcare provision could help 135,000 more mums get back to work, or work extra hours, and benefit nearly half a million three and four year-olds and their families.Childcare is a big part of the cost-of-living crisis families are facing, which is why it is such an important part of Labour’s Cost of Living Contract – 10
Observer Article - longer version.

Observer Article - longer version.

With just a few weeks to go I have been out on doorstep ahead of the European and Local Elections talking to voters. Our Hyndburn Labour statistician tells me we have managed to call at 21% of people in the 11 wards up for election and 64% in the constituency over the last few years. In numbers that's just short of 10,000 people and 38,000 people respectively. People are keen to tell you
Summary of this week in the House of Commons:

Summary of this week in the House of Commons:

• Proposed takeover of AstraZeneca (Urgent Question and PMQs)
• Immigration Bill, Lords amendments
• Reforming tenancies and improving safety in the private rented sector (PMQs and Smoke Alarms [Private Rented Sector] Bill)
• Wales Bill, Committee of the House (Day 2)
• Legal aid cuts (Justice Orals)
• Scotland Orals
• Water Bill, Lords amendments

Proposed takeover of AstraZeneca (Urgent
Direct Rail link to Manchester. Porterbook leasing  - a reply to the lack of the trains

Direct Rail link to Manchester. Porterbook leasing - a reply to the lack of the trains

Double Click to read

I wrote to Porterbrook who are a large rolling stock leasing company. I have received a reply from them. It is clear that the north is a poor cousin of the south. That the new line to Manchester will only receive a 'hand me down' diesel engine once brand new trains have been built and acquired for Southern Train operating franchise. Their older trains to be transferred to
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Combating Metal Theft

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Combating Metal Theft

Wednesday 7 May 2014

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Combating Metal Theft met yesterday to discuss the progress that has been made since the passage of the Metal Theft Act 2013 and the significant challenges that still remain.The focus of the Group’s discussion was on addressing the export of stolen metals, which is not covered by the licensing scheme introduced last year.Simon Davis
Labour’s Plans Will Help 135,000 Mums Back to Work

Labour’s Plans Will Help 135,000 Mums Back to Work

Families in Haslingden and Hyndburn tell me time and again how much childcare costs eat into the family budget. For many it’s difficult to make ends meet.

Families hit by a cost-of-living crisis are seeing wages fall as prices rise. Childcare costs have soared 30 per-cent under David Cameron. With childcare costs in the North West up 46% for nursery care, 29% for childminder care and 48% for
David Cameron must govern for all of us not just the privileged few

David Cameron must govern for all of us not just the privileged few

David Cameron has struggled this week to justify why he has sold off chunks of the Royal Mail to so called ‘ priority investors’ - including hedge funds with links to the Conservative Party.

The more we know about David Cameron's privatisation of Royal Mail, the bigger the fiasco it is.

Based on share-prices earlier this week, the taxpayer has lost over £1 billion - while hedge funds have
David Cameron refused to act on rents. Tories have abandoned Generation Rent.

David Cameron refused to act on rents. Tories have abandoned Generation Rent.

Labour’s bold reforms to renting will help millions of households caught in the cost of living crisis

The Tory-led government refuses to do anything about the biggest housing crisis in a generation. Their record is shocking with house building now at the lowest level since the 1920s.

I’ve spoken to many people in Haslingden and Hyndburn who have all but given up on their dreams of ever owning
Labour is the only party fighting for ordinary hardworking families

Labour is the only party fighting for ordinary hardworking families

Ed Miliband’s ‘Cost of Living Contract’ stands in stark contrast to David Cameron’s Tories who refuse to admit that the cost of living crisis exists. Nigel Farage’s UKIP pretend to be the champion of Britain’s hard working people, when the truth is they are even more right wing than the Tories.

A closer look at Nigel Farage and UKIP reveals an ugly truth. A vote for UKIP means a vote for higher
The Prime Minister is cheerleading for Pfizer’s bid for AstraZeneca rather than championing British science and industry.

The Prime Minister is cheerleading for Pfizer’s bid for AstraZeneca rather than championing British science and industry.

We need a proper assessment of the Pfizer bid for AstraZeneca, but David Cameron refuses to act. He is cheerleading for the bid rather than championing British science and industry.

The Government could widen the public interest test. This could be done straight away and Labour would support it.

I am really worried that Tory led gov isn't taking the threat to British science seriously enough in
Labour’s cost of living contract with hardworking Britain

Labour’s cost of living contract with hardworking Britain

This week Ed Miliband launched Labour’s Cost of Living Contract - ten commitments that show what a One Nation Labour government would do to make a difference by making work pay, stopping rip-off prices, and giving all our young people a chance.

David Cameron says that people are better off under his Government. The opposite is true.

The record of this government is simple: hardworking Britain